Enter a Book, Emerge a Nourished Traveler

Colder weather is a-comin’ to the northeast. So what can we do to keep our bodies and minds strong during the upcoming hibernation time? Here’s a little blurb from my upcoming book, Vitamin Soup, A Recipe for Soulful Nourishment from A to Z. Today’s topic is Vitamin B: Books “Reading is an excellent tool for…… Continue reading Enter a Book, Emerge a Nourished Traveler

An Attitude for Approaching the Holidays

As we approach the holidays, remember to nourish yourself with things other than foods. One example from my upcoming book, Vitamin Soup, A Recipe for Soulful Nourishment from A to Z: Vitamin A: Attitude. “Your attitude determines how you interact with your surroundings and the people in them. The way you interpret events and activities…… Continue reading An Attitude for Approaching the Holidays

Your Wellness Vision

We interrupt this long drawn-out program on the Four Missing Essential Nutrients to give a little yelp of pleasure and excitement. Tonight, my colleague and co-host, Scott, and I are conducting a Creating Your Wellness Vision Telecoaching call. This is a free thing we are doing as a bonus for our RESET Your Life Telesminar…… Continue reading Your Wellness Vision

Vitamin O: “All I Need Is the Air that I Breathe”

We began our discussion of essential nutrients that are necessary for optimal health but that are not necessarily in everyone’s daily diet. Vitamin L, for Love, is the first of four. Vitamin O is the second one. This means we rarely get enough oxygen. Now, for some of you who read this blog, you are…… Continue reading Vitamin O: “All I Need Is the Air that I Breathe”

Vitamin L: “All you need is love.”

Love is incredibly nourishing. You know when you’re in love and you’re so high on the feelings you forget to eat, and you can’t concentrate or think of anything but that new special someone? That feeling of giddiness, happiness, and overflowing YUMMMMMMM is what you get when you have an abundance of Vitamin L. The…… Continue reading Vitamin L: “All you need is love.”

Where’s the love in the food?

Here I am back at the keyboard with so much in my head I can’t get it out fast enough. I’ve been doing some thinking about how to get more nutrition out of the food available to most of us. And I have [lots of] questions I’d love to get your feedback on. When we…… Continue reading Where’s the love in the food?

Ayurveda-Keeping Your Cool (Part 3 of 3)

As promised, here’s a list of top 11 things you can do to cool off and balance your pitta this summer. 1. Increase “cool” in your clothing. Wear light cotton and light colors, avoiding red, orange, and yellow close to your face. 2. Add cooling spices like mint, cilantro, and parsley to your food. 3.…… Continue reading Ayurveda-Keeping Your Cool (Part 3 of 3)

Ayurveda-Keeping Your Cool (Part 2)

This is a continuation of our discussion on Ayurveda and how staying in balance can help keep you cool this summer. We went over the three doshas, vata, pitta, and kapha, and what their primary characteristics are. Everyone has aspects of all three, but one or two may feel more predominant to you. The part…… Continue reading Ayurveda-Keeping Your Cool (Part 2)

Ayurveda-Keeping Your Cool in the Heat (part 1)

Yes, it’s hot outside, but there are things you can do to beat the heat, and you can use food as medicine to do it! Ever heard of Ayurveda? Ayurveda (eye-yoor-VAY-dah), a Sanskrit word that means “the science–or knowledge–of life,” is a 5,000-year-old system of medicine developed in India which is still in practice today,…… Continue reading Ayurveda-Keeping Your Cool in the Heat (part 1)

What’s a wellness retreat?

Good morning! Here’s some food for thought: A wellness retreat is an opportunity to get away from it all to learn more about yourself, get in touch with what nourishes you, maybe heal from stuff that’s NOT feeding you, and to feel good and healthy at the end of the retreat. Sound good? Then what…… Continue reading What’s a wellness retreat?